Dear, Lovely!
This letter is for you.
As much as I want to share how I became an artist, I will instead tell you how I grew as an artist.
That sounds super cheesy, right?... But let me explain.
I used to blame my unfortunate circumstances on fate. But there was a small part of me that doubted my thoughts. And as I listened intently to that part of me, I began to reach out for help.
That's when my life changed. And it changed even further when I found podcasts by Brooke Castillo and Oprah Winfrey and a Ted Talk by Brene Brown in 2017.
Since then, I've surrounded myself with podcasts and books that focus on mental and emotional health and strategies for improvement. I've accepted and began the journey of unlearning my perfectionistic and people-pleasing habits. And it’s been quite the journey.
This path helped me do things I never thought I could. So, I want to share what I have and will learn through my illustrations, especially for gentle, creative hearts like you, who love pictures a tiny bit more than words.
You are more capable and worthy than you believe.
“Sometimes, the slightest shift in perspective can change our entire view - changing how we choose to live our lives and respond in each situation.”

The Bunny and Nani Bear
A timid brown bunny on a journey of building her self-esteem meets a polar bear who loves to explore and learn. It’s an unlikely friendship that began out of misunderstanding but has become a solid partnership through life's most incredible adventures.
Follow along our journey?

How did you come up with the idea of the Bunny and bear?
In December of 2017, while designing my bullet journal, I searched for two animal subjects for my story. And from the unlikeliest things, I found inspiration in my storage bin and from an image I took of an eastern cottontail around my neighborhood.
In reality, this wouldn't happen, but I wondered what it'd be like if they could be friends. What kind of friendship could they have, and how could they play off each other? Questions like these started to form this imaginative friendship and their adventures based on my experiences and dreams.
How did you come up with the name Nani bear?
I read that the polar bear has many different names based on other cultures. Some refer to it as the white bear, the ice bear, and Nanuq (in Inuit term.) Since learning the word Nanuq, I naturally called the bear Nani as I illustrated and wrote stories. The more I referred to the bear as Nani, the more it started developing its unique personality. And so it stuck.
Do you consider yourself an illustrator or writer?
I've been struggling to fit into one of these molds for a very long time. And then I realized, I could simply consider myself a creative who uses illustration and words to tell stories. Neither of those define my identity or my work.
How did you grow your imagination?
Like most immigrant families, my family and I didn't have much money. So we were cautious with buying things in general. When my parents discovered the free library of Philadelphia, they were thrilled to have this chance to learn English and use the computer. And so, they took my two siblings and me with them.
The free library is where I grew up. And It's the place where my imagination grew along with me.
Knowing the power of stories.
I don't remember exactly when I discovered the power of stories, but I did. With each new book I read, I traveled through time and space and experienced many exciting adventures. They made me laugh, cry, and feel so many other emotions. My imagination expanded, and It was beautiful.
Soon after, I relied on them to help me create feelings of joy and adventure or let go of loneliness or fear. It was proof that I was not the only one on this planet with these emotions and helped me feel less alone.
What inspires your stories?
Not only does my life inspire my stories - from the moments I feel lost to those in which I catch myself thinking, "I'd like to remember this." But the struggles and achievements of those around me also inspire my stories.
I believe that we can always find something to learn from everything and everyone. And to have a creative collection of all of these moments has been one of my wishes.
Did you always draw digitally?
No, I learned to make art the old-fashioned way, before the computer and iPads. My favorite tool was the HB pencil; nothing gave me the range of shading I loved most. When I switched over to digital, I made it my mission to recreate the look and feel of drawing analog. I’d now consider it the best of both worlds.

Just a few FAQ
This is not the complete FAQ section. Visit the Shop Policy and FAQ page for even more answers and learn about the shop policies before you make a purchase.
Are you open to commissions or custom orders?
Unfortunately, I am not taking on any commissions or custom projects at the moment.
Can I use your art as a tattoo?
Yes, I offer tattoo tickets for purchase in my shop (not yet, consider giving a gift?) Please consider supporting my work this way. And send me a photo of the finished tattoo, I want to celebrate with you!
When will your store be open again?
There will be an announcement at least a week before a shop launch. So please sign up to be on the email list. You'll also receive encouraging letters, stories, and illustrations which you could opt-out of at any time.
Will you create monthly "Plan with me" videos anymore?
Maybe! I love journaling, and I believe that it's one of the tools that have helped me overcome many lifelong struggles.
My question is not listed here.
This is not the complete FAQ section. Visit the Shop Policy and FAQ page. And If you still have questions, feel free to get in touch with me using my contact page. If I get the same questions frequently, I will add them to the Shop Policy and FAQ page.