How to live Intentionally | Illustration and rhyme


Dear Lovely,

As much as I love lists, prompts, and goal-setting, my ultimate question is this:

Instead of measuring our days and lives by what we've done, could we pride ourselves on what we've learned and how we treat ourselves and others?

Can we strive to be 'better' without the desperate energy, the disappointments, and the frustration? Could we endure patiently in an uplifting and energizing way that doesn't lead to burnout?

From this, I created the rhyme and the illustration below. Enjoy!

Bunny, Bear, and The Giant Tortoise

"Brave bunny,

Are you sharing a secret with the giant tortoise?"
said Bear

"No, I'm asking the tortoise to share a secret with me."

Bunny leans forward and asks,

"How do you rest
in just one place all day,
with no haste or hustle
to get in the way.

How do you deal
with slowness
with gentle grace,
without feeling too slow
or out of place?"

The tortoise smiles goofily then whispers:

"I can't tell you the secret
because it's not,
The answer you seek,
lies in your thoughts

But I do suggest
you pretend to be me,
when you find yourself
wanting to be carefree."


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Bunny, Bear, and the Giant Tortoise illustration by Christine My Linh


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How to live intentionally: "What did you learn today?"